ATUG – The Revival Continues
Once again ATUG version 2.0 thrives and continues to grow stronger, it is awesome to see the TUGS coming back to life. It is always great to go to Atlanta in September for the meeting. The weather once again shined on ATUG. The HPE NonStop (Tandem) community in the Atlanta area is still very strong and it was great to meet with the user community both old like myself and the new talent that ensures the NonStop lives on.
My name is Jay Price, I’m with XYPRO Technology supporting the sales team on covering the US and Canada. Previously, I covered the western US and attended a few TUGS that are still thriving however the size and growth that I have seen attending ATUG is very strong and great to see. As ATUG continues to grow it will soon be #1 on the list of events for the NonStop community to attend.
This year ATUG consisted of 10 vendor presentations including an HPE update and a user presentation. From HPE we were joined by Keith Moore, Master Solution Architect, who gave us an exciting look into the future of NonStop. His presentation was titled “Transforming your Digital Enterprise” and it was filled with updates on the Mission Critical Server Roadmap, vNonStop, Database Compatibility and what HPE has planned for the NonStop moving forward.
Our user presentation was given by Jack Bresnahan from TYSYS and provided the 70+ attendees with insight into how our country’s credit and debit cards are processed. This intro led perfectly into Jack’s highlight on PCI compliance and its importance to the NonStop community.
The revival of ATUG began last year and some very special thanks go out to HPE’s Ken Goldman and Nelson Alvarez as well as XYPRO’s Dale Van Stratten for bringing this event back to life. They have managed to make this bigger and better and l look forward to seeing it continue to evolve and grow to meet the needs of the local community. It is also great to see the variety of NonStop vendors come out and support the event. This year the interest in ATUG has exploded, the number of users that attended prompted executive action.
Yash Kapadia, the CEO of OmniPayments took it over in place of the planned presenter and wowed the crowd with OmniCloudX. Presentation slots are limited do to the timeframes available but support grows regardless.
After the presentations concluded all of the quests were asked to put their name badges in a bucket for an incredible drawing. The gifts provided by the vendors (presenting or not) were outstanding, the one standing out to me was the drone that was given out from NTI as well as many others.
Like last year, a big thanks to the Home Depot for generously supplying a beautiful theatre for the revival and the technical support to keep it all going smoothly. The Home Depot again supplied the food and beverage throughout the day to keep us alive and chipper. Most of all a huge thanks to all the NonStop Users and vendors that attended, please continue to pass the word along so that ATUG continues to grow and expand.
I cannot wait to see what the plans for next year are and look forward to seeing everyone again at the next ATUG Revival. From things that I have heard they are looking at some additional format changes that will make this even bigger and better. With the content and excitement growing even bigger I really hope to see even larger crowds in the continued Revival of ATUG.
I would love to hear everybody’s opinion on this year’s Revival and would be glad to pass this information along. We can only get better as we continue to grow and any input only makes it stronger so feel free to share.
Jay Price
XYPRO Technology
[email protected]