For top IT security execs, losing your job is remarkably easy. All it takes is a stupid decision, a simple oversight, or poor communication.

CSOs work hard to protect their enterprises and careers. Yet all that hard work can disappear in an instant. All that’s necessary is a little inattention, a false assumption, or perhaps following some misguided advice.

Are you planning to keep your job? Then learn the following nine danger areas to avoid.

1. Overconfidence

Hubris can result in early career destruction, particularly when unproven yet popular security solutions are deployed.

“This type of approach creates gaps in security, increases the risk of human error, and leads to a false sense of security among stakeholders — until something major happens, resulting in a catastrophic cybersecurity event,”

Steve Tcherchian
Chief Information Security Office
XYPRO Technology

Overconfidence can also lead to security complacency. “When individuals or organizations assume that their current security processes are sufficient, they fail to remain vigilant and can become vulnerable to new threats,” Tcherchian observes. As a result, security gaps go unnoticed and defenses become outdated.

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